Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Holiday Homework

I hate homework over the holidays. There is only one other thing that bugs me as much as holiday homework, and that is chain-letters. So, you can imagine my initial reaction when I got a Twitter invitation from Peter Jory (@PeterJory) to join an online-blog-chain-letter campaign over the Winter Break. My first reaction was "Homework for the holidays? Don't believe in it". I had no intention of participating in, or supporting two things I don't believe in. Then, I read Peter's blog and a couple of others and thought: "Pretty good idea. If I have some spare time I might throw something together". But there was no commitment. It's the holidays! I'm more of a "lurker" than a true "tweeter", but I did follow a few chain-blog posts to see how this idea was evolving. After another peer pressure prod from Peter and after reading a few more posts in this blog-chain, I decided "OK, I will do it, if I have time". You have to know that I value vacation days tremendously and, this year in particular, I needed to turn my work-brain off and turn my attention more to my family. It was quite a 2013, but I won't bore folks with all that.

So, here I sit on New Year's Day. Happy to have put 2013 on the shelf and start fresh with a positive and productive 2014. Family is still asleep. Strong coffee is on. Keyboard is warm. I hope I can add a little bit of wit and wisdom to this little project.  I believe it was started by Cale Birk (@birklearns). For those who have not been following this chain, the idea is to share:

  • 11 random facts about yourself
  • 11 questions answered from another
  • 11 questions of your own to others
My 11 random facts:
  1. Born in an ambulance at the corner of Broadway and Burrard, Vancouver, BC
  2. Quickly moved to the Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island and, except for university and travel, have stayed there ever since
  3. Happy to live the lyrics of John Cougar Mellencamp's "Small Town"
  4. Travelled to 35 countries on 5 continents. First with my childhood family (Thanks, Dad) and then with my own family (Thanks, Deanie)
  5. Bounced around several departments at UVIC before deciding on Education. Second best decision I ever made
  6. Best decision I ever made was to settle down and marry Deanie (Byron) Coleman
  7. Have two fantastic boys, almost 17 and 14, who are so much more responsible than their dad was at the same age. Must be their mother's influence!
  8. I'm a runner. Right now it's just recreational to burn off a little stress and a few pounds. I will never be able to compete with Tom Hierck's marathons completed (45+), but it's a pretty safe bet that Tom will never beat my PR (3:07-ish)
  9. Owned and operated my own restaurant, Just Jake's Downtown (while I was a new teacher)
  10. Have been a principal at high school, middle school and elementary
  11. As a sideline, I've been an educational consultant & presenter in 8 provinces and 20 states
The original 11 questions from Cale Birk:
  1. Ketchup, salsa or hot sauce? Salsa (say it like they did on Seinfeld: Sal-sa)
  2. What is one thing that you are part of (or believe in) that is bigger than you? Family
  3. What do you do that is great? Not 'good', GREAT. Hopefully folks would agree that I'm pretty great at making others feel great about what they do. Motivation and morale
  4. If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why? Cowichan Valley, British Columbia. I stay here by choice. No matter where I travel or work, I am always happy to come HOME
  5. If you were a breakfast cereal, which one would it be? How come? VECTOR, it tastes good, and it sounds cool
  6. What is the one thing (outside of your family) that you absolutely make time for - no matter what? I should say friends, or exercise, but in 2013 the honest answer would be red wine. I told you, it was a rough year!
  7. If ________ could be eliminated from your life, you would be stress-free. Online, chain-mail blogging over the holidays
  8. What is a talent that you have that would surprise those that think they know you well? I used to be able to cook just about any item off the menu at Hy's Steak House and the Keg. Chicken Cordon Bleu was a favourite 
  9. If you were to give yourself a pen name, what would it be? George Blyth. I could finally have a use for two useless middle names. When you read that racey novel by George Blyth you'll now know that the characters are based on folks I know
  10. Your favourite movie is? So many... I guess, John Grisham's THE FIRM
  11. If schools closed tomorrow, I would go be a ______________. Travel Journalist. It kills me that Anthony Bordain (Parts Unknown on CNN) stole my dream job. Eat, drink, travel, talk politics!
The 11 questions that Peter pestered me with:
  1. Where did you grow up, and what place still feels like home when you go there? See above
  2. When did you decide to do what you do? Still deciding! I love the current job that I do, and all the things I do on  the side, but I never know that I have "arrived"
  3. Describe something that you struggle with and what you've designed as a coping skill or compensation? I know that my confident, outgoing personality can come across to some folks as cocky arrogance. I have to always remind myself to "tone it down"
  4. What makes you the proudest when you think of your work? The book that I co-authored with Tom Hierck (@thierck) and Chris Weber (@Chi_educate). "Pyramid of Behavior Interventions" is more than a book about behaviour. It tells real life stories about positive learning experiences with teachers and kids. I'm proud of that.
  5. Who got you started on Twitter?  The first two I followed were Tom Hierck (@theirck) and Tom Schimmer (@TomSchimmer). Two BC boys who've gone on to share their expertise as full-time consultants and presenters. I knew them before they were famous!
  6. Name your all-time favourite fictional character, and describe how that "person" has influenced you. I have to go back to my childhood and choose Robin Hood. I'm not sure which I like more. The fact that he lived the life of "eat, drink and be merry", or that he stuck it to the King and Taxman by robbing from the rich and giving to the poor. Romantic notion, either way
  7. In what way are you quirky? My quirk is that I can't admit my quirks
  8. Describe a very public moment that didn't work out for you. One time, while co-presenting with Tom Hierck in Nova Scotia, I was in the middle of telling a very animated story and joke to a crowd of a few hundred.  This story-joke had always worked with every crowd, getting great laughs and lots of knowing nods. Not on this day. I was giving it everything I had and the crowd just did not get it. They sat and stared, in stunned silence. While I made a fool of myself, Tom stood in the background killing himself laughing (1) for the fact that this tried-and-true schtick was dying and (2) that Tom got to watch me sweat it out. Ask Tom about the "Poo-Poo on the Potty Dance" the next time you see him!
  9. What is the best fruit? Bananas. I'm a runner. All runners should answer bananas
  10. Describe an event where you had a surprisingly brilliant time. The first BCSSA conference I attended. I was not sure that I wanted to spend two days in a room with the "suits" at the superintendent level. To my surprise, I was engaged and met many folks with whom I have enjoyed interacting with ever since. I've been to a few now, and always enjoy the learning and networking.
  11. What would you like people to say about you after you are gone? He had it figured out. He knew how to work hard and play hard, and always had the balance between family and friends, work and fun.
My questions to you (should you choose to accept this mission):
  1. How do you strike that balance between work and play?
  2. If you could hop on a plane today, regardless of time or cost, where would you go first? Why?
  3. If you could sit down at a dinner party with 3 historical figures (dead), who would you invite and why would you choose those 3?
  4. If you could also invite 3 living guests, who would you add to that table and why?
  5. What is your most significant career-related achievement?
  6. The Lotto Max is about $45 million this week. How would you spend the first $20 million?
  7. What are the first 3 words your "significant other" would use to describe you?
  8. Who was your best friend growing up? Describe one great childhood memory with that person.
  9. What recent non-fiction book do you recommend?
  10. What recent fictional novel do you recommend?
  11. Do you have any regrets? Care to share?
The 11 new victims of this Twitter Chain (hopefully you have not been hit by someone else):
  1. Pat Duncan @PatrickHDuncan
  2. Gillian Braun @Gbraun41
  3. Tom Schimmer @TomSchimmer
  4. Sherri Bell @SherriDBell61
  5. Venessa MacDowell @VMacDowell
  6. Lori Hryniuk @lhryniuk
  7. Nicole Boucher @NicoleBoucher
  8. Sheryl Koers @Skoers1
  9. Larry Mattin @larry_mattin
  10. Glen Posey @gposey79
  11. Anthony Muhammad @newfrontier21
P.S. There is no pressure or expectation that you do this homework. It is NOT for marks!

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